Tech Talk - Checking Your Student’s Assignments in Seesaw and Canvas!
As you may know, we are wrapping up the first half of the school year for elementary, and the end of quarter 2 for middle school. This would be a great time to take a look at your student’s work and make sure they are caught up on their assignments.
For elementary families, you will want to sit down with your student and look through their assignments with them. Unfortunately, there is no way to view them from the parent app at this time. Once you are on your student’s class page, look at the right side of the screen, below the teacher’s name. There is a box marked “Activities”. If you click on that box, you will see the categories “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Done”. When you click on “To-Do”, you will see any assignments your student has been given by their teacher but has not yet begun. If you click on “In Progress”, you will see work they have begun, but not yet completed and turned in. Also, if a student completes work, but the teacher returns the assignment, it will also show up here with comments about how they can improve their work. Finally, the “Done” box is where completed assignments go. When the assignments are approved by the teacher, they will be added to the student’s journal, where you will be able to see, like, and comment from the family app. It is important to know, To-Do, and In Progress activities do not show on the Family App, which is why going through the Activities with your student is so valuable! Check out this video for more information about checking assignments in Seesaw (en español).
For our Middle School families, open the Canvas Parent App, select one of your student’s classes, then click grades. You will be able to see all the assignments give and which are submitted, graded, or missing! Check out this video link for more details on Canvas Parent (en español).
If you have questions, or would like help accessing Seesaw or Canvas, you can contact me at, or you can message me through Seesaw and Canvas, just look for Ray Cannon.