TechTalk: Why Computer Science?
You might have seen Glitch in some of our New Code Academy classes and maybe wondered, who is Glitch, and why do we have a Computer Science focus at New Code Academy? Glitch, our Computer Science friend, reminds our students that Computer Science uses the power of computers to solve problems and express ourselves. But why computer science? Well, New Code Academy breaks Computer Science down into three categories: Skills, and Equity, and Joy.
First, let’s look at skills. As of 2020, in Minnesota there were 9,021 open computing jobs with an average salary of over $92,000. Yet, there were only 1,296 college graduates in computer science, with only 19% of all public high schools teaching computer science. In fact, 59 percent of all tech jobs are outside the tech industry, in areas such as health care, banking, education and more.
Also, six different studies have confirmed that students who study computer science perform better in other subjects, excel at problem solving, and are 17 percent more likely to attend college. Computer Science skills are fundamental for every student’s success, regardless of whether or not they chose to pursue a career in Computer Science.
Next, let’s talk about Equity. There are major disparities in who has access to and engages in computer science. People of color, people in rural areas, women, multi language learners, people with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged people are consistently underrepresented in Computer Science. Universal access to K-12 Computer Science education improves these disparities.
And of course, the best part of computer science is that it is fun! Students find joy in expressing themselves creatively, solving problems they care about, and creating new and fun innovations!
Check out the New Code Academy Tech Talk Playlist on YouTube, with the full video and other great Tech Tip videos. As always, if you have questions about our program at New Code Academy, you can contact me at rcannon@isd271.org.
Thank you for watching, and see you next week!