BS2040AW Work Seminar A Web T1

Business and Marketing Education

BS2040AW Work Seminar A Web T1

Not required
Course description:

This online course gives students the opportunity to receive elective credits through career experience outside of school. Students will gain entry level skills that progress their career goals. All jobs will be school approved, and the teacher and job supervisor will work collaboratively to help the student become a successful employee. 

This portion of the online class is used to reflect on the innovation and interdisciplinary world of work. Students will receive weekly assignments based on personalized goals and skills in work, human relations, personal finance, and career exploration. Students must maintain a job with a minimum of 5 hours per week for 1 credit. Students will not only be held accountable in the workplace but also in the classroom. Students will need to turn copies or pictures of their pay stub preferably by email to their work coordinator. This course is a privilege for the students to help balance school and work responsibilities.

This course has a flexible schedule.