Overhead view of person working on laptop, with books and tablet close at hand.
The Pathway to your Future

New Code Academy High School Courses

We prioritize nurturing our students' curious minds and expanding their knowledge. Students get a personalized approach to learning in every course while building their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

MA2012AW Algebra 2 A Web T1

This course will allow students to innovatively solve problems using exponential functions, such as investment growth, depreciation, and population growth.

This course meets at a regular time.

MA2004CW Geometry C Web T3

Throughout the course students will compose and decompose two-and three-dimensional figures. They will also use decomposition to f=determine the perimeter, area, surface area and volume of various figures.

This course meets at a regular time.

MA2004BW Geometry B Web T2

Throughout the course students will compose and decompose two-and three-dimensional figures. They will also use decomposition to f=determine the perimeter, area, surface area and volume of various figures.

This course meets at a regular time.

MA2004AW Geometry A Web T1

Throughout the course students will compose and decompose two-and three-dimensional figures. They will also use decomposition to f=determine the perimeter, area, surface area and volume of various figures.

This course meets at a regular time.

MA2001CW Intermediate Algebra C Web T3

Students are introduced to quadratic equations and inequalities. Using both linear and quadratic relationships, students will use problem-solving to answer real world situations.

This course meets at a regular time.

MA2001BW Intermediate Algebra B Web T2

Students are introduced to quadratic equations and inequalities. Using both linear and quadratic relationships, students will use problem-solving to answer real world situations.

This course meets at a regular time.

MA2001AW Intermediate Algebra A Web T1

Students are introduced to quadratic equations and inequalities. Using both linear and quadratic relationships, students will use problem-solving to answer real world situations.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2015CW English 12 Humanities C Web T3

Students in this course will explore the question, *What does it mean to be human?* through the reading of a variety of texts.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2015BW English 12 Humanities B Web T2

Students in this course will explore the question, *What does it mean to be human?* through the reading of a variety of texts.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2015AW English 12 Humanities A Web T1

Students in this course will explore the question, *What does it mean to be human?* through the reading of a variety of texts.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2008CW English 11 American Lit C Web T3

This course focuses on a study of American literature and the culture from which it has developed. Critical reading and thinking skills are practiced in analytical writing and speech work.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2008BW English 11 American Lit B Web T2

This course focuses on a study of American literature and the culture from which it has developed. Critical reading and thinking skills are practiced in analytical writing and speech work.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2008AW English 11 American Lit A Web T1

This course focuses on a study of American literature and the culture from which it has developed. Critical reading and thinking skills are practiced in analytical writing and speech work.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2004CW English 10 World Lit C Web T3

This course covers world literature, critical reading, grammar, composition, research, speaking and listening. It emphasizes distinct forms of literature, i.e. novels, short stories, poetry and nonfiction.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2004BW English 10 World Lit B Web T2

This course covers world literature, critical reading, grammar, composition, research, speaking and listening. It emphasizes distinct forms of literature, i.e. novels, short stories, poetry and nonfiction.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2004AW English 10 World Lit A Web T1

This course covers world literature, critical reading, grammar, composition, research, speaking and listening. It emphasizes distinct forms of literature, i.e. novels, short stories, poetry and nonfiction.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2001CW English 9 C Web T3

In this course students will study literature, mythology, composition, vocabulary and the structure of language.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2001BW English 9 B Web T2

In this course students will study literature, mythology, composition, vocabulary and the structure of language.

This course meets at a regular time.

LA2001AW English 9 A Web T1

In this course students will study literature, mythology, composition, vocabulary and the structure of language.

This course meets at a regular time.

FC2002W Intro To Culinary Arts Web T1

This introductory course is for the student who wishes to develop basic cooking skills along with the ability to make the best consumer and nutrition choices for their lifestyle.

This course has a flexible schedule.

Exploring Computer Science: Solve, Create, Innovate - T1

Curious about how computers shape the world around you? This course is your gateway to the exciting field of computer science!

This course has a flexible schedule.

Cyber Security: Protecting the Digital Space - Trimester 3

Dive into the exciting and ever-evolving world of cybersecurity! In this course, you'll discover how to protect sensitive information, defend against hackers, and navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

This course has a flexible schedule.

Create & Innovate: Web Design and Development - Trimester 2

Unleash your creativity and build amazing websites! In this course, you'll explore the exciting world of web design and development, learning how to craft engaging, user-friendly websites that make an impact.

This course has a flexible schedule.

BS2050CW Work Experience C Web T3

This course provides students the opportunity to earn 2 credits a trimester while using problem-solving skills in real world situations.

This course has a flexible schedule.